See the Unseen

We simplify the understanding and analysis of gRPC-based applications by providing comprehensive visualizations of metrics and proto file structures

Designed for gRPC developers like you

Here at gRPSeek we want to help developers and companies elevate their application development, improve productivity, and deliver exceptional user experiences


Access total gRPC requests, system and user CPU usage, total latency duration in seconds


Harness the power of gRPSeek by visualizing gRPC load and latency tests with a click of a button

Proto Mapping

Upload your proto files to visualize the complex relationship between services and messages

Our Team

Kenneth Nguyen Avatar

Kenneth Nguyen

Software Engineer

Patryk Ploszaj Avatar

Patryk Ploszaj

Software Engineer

Miri Son Avatar

Miri Son

Software Engineer

John McConnell Avatar

John McConnell

Software Engineer